Bulletin Announcements


 The Central Plaines Classis retreat will be Friday, March 28 and Saturday, March 29 at Hope Church in Lincoln. Friday there will be dinner at 5:30 followed by worship and a guest speaker. Saturday will begin with presentations at 8:30 followed by lunch and a business meeting. If you would like to attend, an RSVP is on the bulletin board.


Thank you to Brenda Doeschot for all her years of service coordinating Christmas decorations. Brenda has decided to hand off responsibilities for coordinating Christmas decorations and if you would like to fill this role please talk with Pastor Brett or Candace.


If there are any hymns you would like to hear in worship, please write them on the sheet on the bulletin board.


Our missionary Brian Bruxvoort will be with us in worship Sunday, March 16. He will give a presentation about his ministry after the service and we will share a potluck afterwards. Please bring a dish to share at the potluck.


We are in need of tech volunteers on Sunday mornings. If you have skill in this area, please talk to Eric Johnson or RJ.


40 days for life is holding a prayer vigil to end abortion every day of Lent starting Ash Wednesday, March 6. If you would like to sign up, visit www.40daysforlife.com


Ash Wednesday, March 6, we will hold one service at 6:00 PM followed by a family night and activities for children and adults


Pastor Brett and Brittany will be on vacation from Thursday, February 20 - Thursday, February 27. If you have any pastoral needs within that timeframe, please contact one of the elders.

There will not be Scritpure Discussion on February 25



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