Bulletin Announcements


Thank you to Brenda Doeschot for all her years of service coordinating Christmas decorations. Brenda has decided to hand off responsibilities for coordinating Christmas decorations and if you would like to fill this role please talk with Pastor Brett or Candace.


We are in need of tech volunteers on Sunday mornings. If you have skill in this area, please talk to Eric Johnson or RJ.


40 days for life is holding a prayer vigil to end abortion every day of Lent starting Ash Wednesday, March 6. If you would like to sign up, visit www.40daysforlife.com


If you have a photo of yourself or loved ones gathering around a table, please email them to Pastor Brett at pastorbrett@pellachurch.org


Wanting to learn how to play the piano? Wishing you could “tickle the ivories” for some stress relief?   OR, are you searching for a creative DIY project?  Pella has an upright piano looking for a new home.  Please contact Teri or Linda for the details.  Sadly, if it does not find a new home it will be moved to “storage”. 

The Book of Numbers Bible study resumes this morning following worship.


Maundy Thursday service will be at Pella Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 pm, and Good Friday service will be with the Norris Area Churches at Princeton Countryside Alliance Friday, April 18 @ 7pm


Please mark your calendars, all church clean-up is April 26 @ 8:30am


We will have our quarterly all congregation meeting on May 4th following the service.


For those who offered to help with Easter Meal packages for the Shepherd of the Hills Easter meal drive we want to thank you very much.  Your Easter meal gift box will need to be delivered to Shepherd of the Hills on Saturday, April 19th between 8AM and noon.  Or if it is easier just deliver your meal basket to Pella Church by 10AM and I will deliver the meals to the church.  Please make sure that your box has the family number on it so they know which family it is for.  The sign-up sheet is still posted in the fellowship hall where you will find your family number beside the one you signed up for.  We have circled the number to help you find it easier.  Again, thank you for sharing the Love of Jesus with these families by providing the makings for a special meal for them on Easter Sunday.  If you have any questions, please contact Diane Nieveen


Dave and Judy Doeschot are celebrating their 80th birthdays at the church on April 12 from 1 to 4 pm. Please plan to join in on the celebration! Everyone is welcome.



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