Bulletin Announcements


Oikos hosted an Easter event for the neighborhood on March 30.  Savannah shared the Easter story and everyone enjoyed visiting with their neighbors. The event also included an egg hunt, an egg relay, sidewalk chalk drawings, prizes, a piñata and distribution of 50 plus sack lunches. Thank you Pella for your donations of eggs and candy. Oikos filled 360 eggs for the hunt from your donations. THANK YOU!


Care and Compassion are organizing meals for Candace & Matthew's family after the birth of their baby on April 15th. If you'd like to provide a meal for them sign up for a day on the board in the Fellowship Hall.


Candace will start maternity leave on April 15th, announcements/questions/bulletin items can be sent to pella.reformed.church@gmail.com.


Sunday, April 28th Holland Women’s group (WINGS) is hosting a silent auction of purses from 2:00-4:00pm. Please see the bulletin board for additional information.


Evening Circle is Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00pm at the home of Vicki Obbink. Jackie Oden will be leading the lesson on Josiah, please read 2 Chronicles 34: 4-5, 7. Anyone is welcome to join us.


Community Engagement is asking for cookie donations so that we can bless the employees of Gold Crest Retirement Center and Firth Community Center. Please bring your cookies to church on Sunday, April 28th. Thank you!


Pella will have a congregational conversation about the RCA’s restructuring plans Sunday, April 28 following the service. We will break for 20 minutes after worship and reconvene in the sanctuary for a presentation, transition to roundtable discussion in the gathering space, and conclude with large group discussion and prayer. Please join us for this time of discernment and conversation.


Project Recycling is sponsoring a clothing giveaway on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00am to 6:00pm at 2013 S 5th Ave, Beatrice, NE.


Jerry Holden wanted to thank everyone for the meals and encouragement while he has been in recovery from surgery.


Care and Compassion will be meeting on Thursday, April 18th at 7 pm.



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